12:44 AM

Butte County
Department of Development Services

Main: 530.552.3700
Automated Inspection Phone Line: 530.538.4365
Online Inspection Scheduling / Payments / Renewals:

Permit No. B24-2873 Permit Type   ETRAKIT Site Address   55 PEPPERWOOD DR
CHICO, CA 95973
Applied   11/15/2024 Applicant   Daniel Turri
Approved   12/02/2024 Owner   LARUE STEVEN L & BARBARA J REV TRUST
Parent Permit No.   Description   RES MPU FROM 200A TO 225A
  Date of Inspection Inspection Type Inspector Result Remarks Notes

**PERMIT FINALDSINSPECTIONeTRAKiT Inspection Request1/20/2025 9:11:04 AM 1/20/2025 9:11 AM CONNECT ENERGY MECHANICAL CORPORATION AM inspection as PG&E will be out in the afternoon to provide power back to the home. Contact Name: CONNECT ENERGY MECHANICAL CORPORATION Site Address: 55 PEPPERWOOD DR Phone: 5305707988 e-Mail: DAN@CEMCHICO.COM

 01/22/2025**PERMIT FINALRICHARD PRATTFAILeTRAKiT Inspection Request1/21/2025 1:58:53 PM 1/21/2025 1:58 PM CONNECT ENERGY MECHANICAL CORPORATION PM inspection if possible Contact Name: CONNECT ENERGY MECHANICAL CORPORATION Site Address: 55 PEPPERWOOD DR Phone: 5305707988 e-Mail: DAN@CEMCHICO.COM 1/22/2025 5:21:40 AM rpratt changed Inspection Date/Time from 01/22/2025 08:00 AM to 01/22/2025 11:00 AM 1/22/2025 11:53:07 AM Provide a surge protection for the new main service panel. Properly integrate the main panel into the building and finish weatherproofing around the panel. Recall Final inspection when completed.

 01/22/2025GROUNDING/BONDINGRICHARD PRATTPASS1/22/2025 11:53:15 AM Grounding electrodes properly installed and connected - Approved

 01/30/2025**PERMIT FINALRANDALL SMITHFAILeTRAKiT Inspection Request1/28/2025 3:54:20 PM 1/28/2025 3:54 PM CONNECT ENERGY MECHANICAL CORPORATION am inspection Contact Name: CONNECT ENERGY MECHANICAL CORPORATION Site Address: 55 PEPPERWOOD DR Phone: 5305707988 e-Mail: DAN@CEMCHICO.COM 1/30/2025 3:32:25 PM 1. Provide a completed smoke detector to Butte County permit center.

 01/31/2025**PERMIT FINALCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSPASSeTRAKiT Inspection Request1/29/2025 4:36:49 PM 1/29/2025 4:36 PM CONNECT ENERGY MECHANICAL CORPORATION tried cancelling inspection for tomorrow but site has been down each time I tried to access it today. Looking to schedule final for friday afternoon. Contact Name: CONNECT ENERGY MECHANICAL CORPORATION Site Address: 55 PEPPERWOOD DR Phone: 5305707988 e-Mail: DAN@CEMCHICO.COM 1/31/2025 2:17:26 PM Permit final - Approved