12:45 AM

Butte County
Department of Development Services

Main: 530.552.3700
Automated Inspection Phone Line: 530.538.4365
Online Inspection Scheduling / Payments / Renewals:

Permit No. B24-1925 Permit Type   MISCELLANEOUS Site Address   15089 RICHARDSON SPRINGS RD
CHICO, CA 95973
Applied   08/06/2024 Applicant   RW HAWKINS CONSTRUCTION
Approved   01/07/2025 Owner   KAWAOKA JARED ETAL
Issued   01/13/2025 Contractor   R W HAWKINS CONSTRUCTION INC
Parent Permit No.   Description   REPAIR RES(381) GAR(418) FIRE DMG (PARK FIRE)
  Date of Inspection Inspection Type Inspector Result Remarks Notes

 01/22/2025PIER/COLUMN FOOTINGSRICHARD PRATTPASS1/22/2025 11:52:55 AM 4 pier footings at east end of residence - Approved

 01/22/2025FOUNDATION/FOOTINGSRICHARD PRATTPASS1/22/2025 11:52:59 AM Garage Forms footings and rebar - Approved

 01/22/2025TAG ELECTRICRICHARD PRATTPASS076706-01 - Scheduled by IVR.1/22/2025 5:21:32 AM rpratt changed Inspection Date/Time from 01/22/2025 08:00 AM to 01/22/2025 10:00 AM 1/22/2025 11:06:18 AM rpratt changed Inspection Type from ROUGH ELECTRICAL to TAG ELECTRIC 1/22/2025 11:53:03 AM New MSP and meter release- Approved

 01/28/2025ROOF NAILRICHARD PRATTPASS1/28/2025 4:16:53 AM rpratt changed Inspection Date/Time from 01/28/2025 08:00 AM to 01/28/2025 10:30 AM 1/28/2025 12:09:28 PM Cut n stack roof structure and sheathing - Approved