2:00 AM

Butte County
Department of Development Services

Main: 530.552.3700
Automated Inspection Phone Line: 530.538.4365
Online Inspection Scheduling / Payments / Renewals:

Permit No. B24-1398 Permit Type   RESIDENTIAL Site Address   5035 SAN JUANICO DR
CHICO, CA 95973
Applied   06/07/2024 Applicant   NORTH COAST DRYWALL INCORPORATED
Approved   08/13/2024 Owner   NORTH COAST DRYWALL INC
Issued   08/13/2024 Contractor   NORTH COAST DRYWALL INCORPORATED
Parent Permit No.   Description   NSF (3428) GAR (1057) COVD (747)
  Date of Inspection Inspection Type Inspector Result Remarks Notes




 08/05/2024ENV HEALTH RELEASEDANIEL GRATTANPARTIALSEE NOTES8/5/2024 8:17:34 AM Pending 4x4 Well pad and well water results before final.


 08/21/2024FOUNDATION/FOOTINGSSCOTT YOUNGPASS074227-01 - Scheduled by IVR.8/22/2024 6:29:07 AM Setbacks Footings and foundation Eupher ground Pier and column footings Underslab plumbing Approved

 08/27/2024PRE-SLABSCOTT YOUNGPASS074326-01 - Scheduled by IVR.8/28/2024 6:31:32 AM Pre slab for house approved Call for pre slab on garage when ready

 08/30/2024PRE-SLABSCOTT YOUNGPASS074387-01 - Scheduled by IVR.8/30/2024 11:59:40 AM syoung changed Inspection Type from MASONRY GROUT to PRE-SLAB 9/4/2024 6:08:56 AM Approved garage pre slab See attachment for pictures

 10/22/2024SHEARWALL/B.W.P.-INTSCOTT YOUNGPASS075354-01 MSG! -Msg! Scheduled by IVR.10/23/2024 6:15:05 AM Exterior Shearwall-Approved Roof frame and roof nail -partial ( ok to cover roof ,nailing and straps verified, web bracing not in at this time ) Ok to cover roof, web bracing can be looked at 4-way. 10/23/2024 6:28:48 AM Exterior Shearwall-Approved Roof frame and roof nail -partial ( ok to cover roof ,nailing and straps verified, web bracing not in at this time ) Ok to cover roof, web bracing can be looked at 4-way.

 12/04/20244-WAY ROUGH FRAMESCOTT YOUNGFAIL076054-01 - Scheduled by IVR.12/5/2024 6:44:21 AM 1. Anchor bolts were set at wrong height, they have used 6" titans with washers in place of original anchor bolts. A letter from the Engineer of record will be required. 2. Cover all air returns and vents. 3. Pull all Romex away from gang nails.

 12/11/2024PGE ELECTRIC TAGCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSPASS12/11/2024 12:42:57 PM PGE electric tag - issued ** EOR letter for Titans on file to clear 4-way rough frame.

 03/14/2025SHOWER PAN/TUB TESTWOODY TOWNSENDPASS077544-01 - Scheduled by IVR.3/14/2025 3:20:14 PM 2 pans approved