12:36 AM

Butte County
Department of Development Services

Main: 530.552.3700
Automated Inspection Phone Line: 530.538.4365
Online Inspection Scheduling / Payments / Renewals:

Permit No. B24-1303 Permit Type   RESIDENTIAL Site Address   778 EL MONTE AVE
CHICO, CA 95928
Applied   05/30/2024 Applicant   RENE STRAIN
Approved   09/03/2024 Owner   RENE STRAIN
Issued   09/06/2024 Contractor   RENE STRAIN
Parent Permit No.   Description   NSFD(2789) GAR(976) BRZWY(133) COVD(975)
  Date of Inspection Inspection Type Inspector Result Remarks Notes


 06/03/2024ENV HEALTH RELEASEBC Land Use6/3/2024 1:16:23 PM pending septic final and water well quality results - total and fecal coliform and nitrate


 10/01/2024UNDERGROUND PLUMBINGCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSCANCELLED10/1/2024 11:39:05 AM Canceled due to prior inspection not being resulted. Plumbing is covered up and ready for pre-slab.

 10/01/2024PRE-SLABCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSCANCELLED10/1/2024 11:39:32 AM Inspection canceled due to prior inspections not being resulted. Don't know what was looked at or approved.

 09/27/2024SETBACKSSCOTT YOUNGPASSREQ PM10/2/2024 1:21:37 PM Set backs Approved

 09/27/2024FOUNDATION/FOOTINGSSCOTT YOUNGPASSREQ PM PLEASE10/2/2024 1:21:45 PM Footings and foundation Approved.

 09/27/2024UNDER SLAB PLUMBINGSCOTT YOUNGPASS10/7/2024 2:58:12 PM underslab plumbing was inspected at time of footing and foundation. both approved.


 10/08/2024UNDER SLAB PLUMBINGSCOTT YOUNGPASS10/9/2024 7:09:43 AM garage balast have been completed and ready for pour. pre slab approved

 10/09/2024UNDERGROUND PLUMBINGWOODY TOWNSENDNOT REQUIRED10/9/2024 4:42:25 PM Approved by SY on 10/8/24.

 10/09/2024PRE-SLABWOODY TOWNSENDNOT REQUIRED10/9/2024 4:42:32 PM Approved by SY on 10/824.

 12/10/2024SHEARWALL/B.W.P.-INTWOODY TOWNSENDFAIL12/10/2024 3:19:06 PM 1. Complete nailing at guest suite bathroom interior shear wall. 2. Tighten all Nuts at HD bolts. 3. Install required anchor bolts at plate breaks. Okay to cover exterior shear nail.

 12/10/2024SHEARWALL/B.W.P.-EXTWOODY TOWNSENDFAIL12/10/2024 3:19:10 PM 1. Complete nailing at guest suite bathroom interior shear wall. 2. Tighten all Nuts at HD bolts. 3. Install required anchor bolts at plate breaks. 4. Provide County Approved plan for reversed floor plan. Okay to cover exterior shear nail.

 12/10/2024ROOF NAILWOODY TOWNSENDFAIL12/10/2024 3:19:15 PM Precision Truss package needs to be approved by county. Roof nail and bracing per plan and Precision Truss.


 01/22/2025PGE ELECTRIC TAGRANDALL SMITHPASS1/22/2025 4:17:26 PM 225 mpu