12:52 AM

Butte County
Department of Development Services

Main: 530.552.3700
Automated Inspection Phone Line: 530.538.4365
Online Inspection Scheduling / Payments / Renewals:

Permit No. B24-1242 Permit Type   ETRAKIT Site Address   4123 CLEAR CREEK CEMETERY RD
Applied   05/23/2024 Applicant   BUTTE ROOFING CO
Approved   05/28/2024 Owner   ALT GARY & JANE LIVING TRUST
Issued   05/30/2024 Contractor   BUTTE ROOFING CO
Parent Permit No.   Description   REROOF RES (48SQ)
  Date of Inspection Inspection Type Inspector Result Remarks Notes

 01/14/2025**PERMIT FINALSCOTT YOUNGFAIL076557-01 - Scheduled by IVR.1/15/2025 7:43:14 AM Homeowner was not home, gate closed and locked. Tried calling the homeowner, he was unaware of the inspection and was in Sacramento. He will reschedule

 01/22/2025**PERMIT FINALCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSFAIL W/RE-INSP FEECheck Note for access1/16/2025 10:53:32 AM 1/16/2025 10:53 AM BUTTE ROOFING CO Contact homeowner day before to open gate. (530) 321-1164 Contact Name: BUTTE ROOFING CO Site Address: 4123 CLEAR CREEK CEMETERY RD Phone: 5303426553 e-Mail: butteroofing@yahoo.com 1/22/2025 11:19:19 AM 1. No access. Gate shut, locked, no gate code on file. Didn't see anybody on-site. Pay re-inspection fee, recall inspection and provide access or gate code.