12:57 AM

Butte County
Department of Development Services

Main: 530.552.3700
Automated Inspection Phone Line: 530.538.4365
Online Inspection Scheduling / Payments / Renewals:

Permit No. B24-0766 Permit Type   MISCELLANEOUS Site Address   9437 LOTT RD
DURHAM, CA 95938
Applied   04/05/2024 Applicant   JAMES YUHASZ
Approved   08/12/2024 Owner   JAMES Z. YUHASZ
Issued   08/12/2024 Contractor   TBD
Parent Permit No.   Description   CONVERT GAR TO MB (350) RMDL (415) COVD (370) WINDOWS
  Date of Inspection Inspection Type Inspector Result Remarks Notes



 05/02/2024ENV HEALTH RELEASEALANA KONGSEE NOTES5/2/2024 11:36:49 AM Pending septic final of ehs23-0352 and water well testing of total and fecal coliform and nitrate

 10/10/2024FOUNDATION/FOOTINGSWOODY TOWNSENDPASSeTRAKiT Inspection Request10/8/2024 4:50:56 PM 10/8/2024 4:50 PM MARTIN CONSTRUCTION Contact Name: MARTIN CONSTRUCTION Site Address: 9437 LOTT RD Phone: 5306806423 e-Mail: jtmartin@outlook.com



 01/07/2025UNDERFLOOR PLUMBINGWOODY TOWNSENDPASSeTRAKiT Inspection Request1/3/2025 4:13:20 PM 1/3/2025 4:13 PM MARTIN CONSTRUCTION under floor plumbing, roof nail, floor framing in addition Contact Name: MARTIN CONSTRUCTION Site Address: 9437 LOTT RD Phone: 5306806423 e-Mail: jtmartin@outlook.com 1/7/2025 3:44:48 PM New lav drain approved.

 01/07/2025UNDERFLOOR FRAMINGWOODY TOWNSENDFAIL1/7/2025 3:45:06 PM 1. Block between joists at girders. 2. Provide a way to verify underfloor titan anchors and ledger lag screws.

 01/07/2025ROOF NAILWOODY TOWNSENDFAIL1/7/2025 3:45:10 PM Edge nail roof sheathing at eve blocks per plan.

 01/07/2025SHEARWALL/B.W.P.-EXTWOODY TOWNSENDFAIL1/7/2025 3:45:15 PM Complete all shear and strapping per detail. Plans call for shear around both back windows with straps at top and bottom.

 01/07/2025UNDER CONST CERTWOODY TOWNSENDNOT REQUIRED1/7/2025 3:45:20 PM Provide under construction flood elevation certificate prior to any additional approvals. 1/13/2025 4:44:08 PM See flood plain declaration.

 01/22/2025UNDERFLOOR FRAMINGRANDALL SMITHFAIL W/RE-INSP FEEeTRAKiT Inspection Request1/20/2025 12:57:26 PM 1/20/2025 12:57 PM MARTIN CONSTRUCTION Contact Name: MARTIN CONSTRUCTION Site Address: 9437 LOTT RD Phone: 5306806423 e-Mail: jtmartin@outlook.com 1/22/2025 11:19:06 AM rjsmith changed Inspection Type from ROUGH FRAME to UNDERFLOOR FRAMING 1/22/2025 4:17:17 PM 1. Pay reinspection fee. 2. Provide under floor framing construction as per approved set of plans details SD2/7, SD2/8 and SD2/9, or provide updated plans with approval from the engineer of record for the as built condition. 3. Address previous correction list. WET 1/7/2025 3:45:06 PM 1. Block between joists at girders. 2. Provide a way to verify underfloor titan anchors and ledger lag screws

 01/22/2025ROOF NAILRANDALL SMITHFAILeTRAKiT Inspection Request1/20/2025 12:57:26 PM 1/20/2025 12:57 PM MARTIN CONSTRUCTION Contact Name: MARTIN CONSTRUCTION Site Address: 9437 LOTT RD Phone: 5306806423 e-Mail: jtmartin@outlook.com 1/22/2025 4:17:22 PM 1. No ladder on site for inspection. Provide a OSHA approved ladder on site for inspection. 2. Call for reinspection when corrections are completed.

 01/30/2025ROOF NAILRANDALL SMITHPASSeTRAKiT Inspection Request1/28/2025 1:47:10 PM 1/28/2025 1:47 PM MARTIN CONSTRUCTION Contact Name: MARTIN CONSTRUCTION Site Address: 9437 LOTT RD Phone: 5306806423 e-Mail: jtmartin@outlook.com 1/30/2025 10:01:15 AM Roof nail only. Previous corrections were completed

 01/30/2025CONSTRUCTION POWERRANDALL SMITHPASS1/30/2025 10:01:36 AM Construction power only. Will require surge protector and second ground rod before final.