12:54 AM

Butte County
Department of Development Services

Main: 530.552.3700
Automated Inspection Phone Line: 530.538.4365
Online Inspection Scheduling / Payments / Renewals:

Permit No. B23-3644 Permit Type   MISCELLANEOUS Site Address   4745 XANADU WAY
Applied   12/22/2023 Applicant   CANTRELL FAMILY TRUST
Approved   01/19/2024 Owner   CANTRELL FAMILY TRUST
Issued   01/19/2024 Contractor   O/B
Parent Permit No.   Description   DET MTL GAR (720) W/ ELEC
  Date of Inspection Inspection Type Inspector Result Remarks Notes

 01/22/2024FOUNDATION/FOOTINGSRICHARD PRATTFAIL1/22/2024 6:12:12 AM rpratt changed Inspection Date/Time from 01/22/2024 08:00 AM to 01/22/2024 2:00 PM 1/22/2024 4:40:41 PM Provide a 2nd #4 repair continuous in the bottom of the footing. Provide a copy of the compaction report. Remove all water from the footing. Recall the inspection when completed

 01/25/2024FORMS/STEEL/HOLDOWNSCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSPASS070973-01 - Scheduled by IVR.1/25/2024 3:31:49 PM Foundation/footings - Approved

 03/28/2024**PERMIT FINALSCOTT YOUNGFAIL3/29/2024 6:03:58 AM 1. Sub panel has been added in shop, with lights and receptacles. The permit is for garage with no electrical. 2. Compaction report required prior to final. Entire shop is built on fill, back side of shop is 8'-10' above grade. 3. Driveway into shop does not meet min. 5% slope away( 10' out = 6" drop ) 4. Cal fire sign off required.

 01/16/2025**PERMIT FINALSCOTT YOUNGFAIL W/RE-INSP FEE076646-01 - Scheduled by IVR.1/17/2025 6:05:02 AM No one onsite , revised plans not onsite, no access to garage. Reinspection fee has been added. Card left at front door.

 01/22/2025**PERMIT FINALCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSFAIL1/22/2025 3:25:40 PM 1. Calfire approval required for permit final. 2. Electrical was added to shop. Plan set for electrical is still in plan check and is due to be issued on 2/4/25. Provide approved stamped set for electrical, contact Butte Fire for inspection and recall inspection.