12:39 AM

Butte County
Department of Development Services

Main: 530.552.3700
Automated Inspection Phone Line: 530.538.4365
Online Inspection Scheduling / Payments / Renewals:

Permit No. B23-3348 Permit Type   MISCELLANEOUS Site Address   16 ROSE AVE
CHICO, CA 95928
Applied   11/13/2023 Applicant   PERRELLI RICHARD F
Approved   01/25/2024 Owner   PERRELLI RICHARD F
Issued   02/02/2024 Contractor   O/B - PACIFIC METAL BUILDINGS
Parent Permit No.   Description   DET MTL GAR(720) NO ELEC
  Date of Inspection Inspection Type Inspector Result Remarks Notes

 10/14/2024FOUNDATION/FOOTINGSSCOTT YOUNGCANCELLED10/14/2024 5:44:45 PM As per the office

 10/23/2024FOUNDATION/FOOTINGSWOODY TOWNSENDFAIL075335-01 - Scheduled by IVR.10/23/2024 12:56:06 PM 1. Provide 3 #4 rebar in footing per approved plans.

 10/29/2024FOUNDATION/FOOTINGSSCOTT YOUNGPASS075451-01 - Scheduled by IVR.10/29/2024 6:23:40 AM Footings and foundation-Approved

 01/22/2025PRE-SLABRICHARD PRATTPASSman door - landing/ slab1/22/2025 5:21:29 AM rpratt changed Inspection Date/Time from 01/22/2025 08:00 AM to 01/22/2025 2:30 PM 1/22/2025 3:02:53 PM slab-approved

 02/03/2025CAL FIRE FINAL INSPETROY HANDPASS2/3/2025 3:55:29 PM Ok to final.

**PERMIT FINALRANDALL SMITH076914-01 - Scheduled by IVR.