12:53 AM

Butte County
Department of Development Services

Main: 530.552.3700
Automated Inspection Phone Line: 530.538.4365
Online Inspection Scheduling / Payments / Renewals:

Permit No. B23-2285 Permit Type   RESIDENTIAL Site Address   14192 SHERWOOD CIR
Applied   07/17/2023 Applicant   B AND B BUILDERS
Approved   11/08/2023 Owner   COREY R. AND JOAN O. BOYKIN
Issued   11/08/2023 Contractor   B AND B BUILDERS
Parent Permit No.   Description   REPL SFD(1379) GAR(430) COV(191)- CAMP FIRE
  Date of Inspection Inspection Type Inspector Result Remarks Notes




 03/08/2024UFER GROUNDCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSCANCELLED071538-04 - Scheduled by IVR.3/8/2024 8:34:15 AM croberts changed Inspection Date/Time from 03/08/2024 11:30 AM to 03/08/2024 10:30 AM 3/8/2024 11:08:43 AM Contractor canceled inspections for a later date due to incorrect setbacks from foundation.

 03/08/2024PIER/COLUMN FOOTINGSCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSCANCELLED071538-03 - Scheduled by IVR.3/8/2024 8:34:20 AM croberts changed Inspection Date/Time from 03/08/2024 11:30 AM to 03/08/2024 10:30 AM 3/8/2024 11:08:49 AM Contractor canceled inspections for a later date due to incorrect setbacks from foundation.

 03/08/2024FOUNDATION/FOOTINGSCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSCANCELLED071538-02 - Scheduled by IVR.3/8/2024 8:34:25 AM croberts changed Inspection Date/Time from 03/08/2024 11:30 AM to 03/08/2024 10:30 AM 3/8/2024 11:08:54 AM Contractor canceled inspections for a later date due to incorrect setbacks from foundation.

 03/08/2024SETBACKSCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSFAIL071538-01 - Scheduled by IVR.3/8/2024 8:34:30 AM croberts changed Inspection Date/Time from 03/08/2024 11:30 AM to 03/08/2024 10:30 AM 3/8/2024 11:09:01 AM 1. Setbacks do not meet approved site plan on east and west sides of foundation. Resubmit new site plan to building department with current setbacks from foundation and be approved by EOR and building department. Complete work and call for re-inspection.

 03/11/2024SETBACKSRICHARD PRATTPASS3/11/2024 7:01:16 PM Setbacks checked and Approved

 03/11/2024PGE ELECTRIC TAGRICHARD PRATTPASS3/11/2024 7:01:20 PM PG&E meter release- Approved

 03/11/2024FOUNDATION/FOOTINGSRICHARD PRATTPASS3/11/2024 7:01:25 PM Forms footings and rebar - Approved

 04/15/2024UNDERFLOOR FRAMINGRICHARD PRATTPASS072138-01 - Scheduled by IVR.4/15/2024 5:48:23 AM rpratt changed Inspection Date/Time from 04/15/2024 08:00 AM to 04/15/2024 2:30 PM 4/15/2024 4:10:52 PM Underfloor framing - Approved

 04/15/2024UNDERFLOOR PLUMBINGRICHARD PRATTPASS072138-02 - Scheduled by IVR.4/15/2024 5:48:16 AM rpratt changed Inspection Date/Time from 04/15/2024 08:00 AM to 04/15/2024 2:30 PM 4/15/2024 4:12:02 PM Underfloor plumbing - on test and Approved

 05/15/2024ROOF NAILCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSPARTIAL072763-02 - Scheduled by IVR.5/15/2024 3:22:20 PM 1. Missing H1 straps or equal on all trusses. 2. Missing CS16 strap as per plans between bedroom 2 and covered porch. ** Roof nail - Approved ** Okay to cover ** Inspect mechanical connection of trusses at 4-way.

 05/15/2024SHEARWALL/B.W.P.-EXTCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSPASS072763-01 - Scheduled by IVR.5/15/2024 3:22:30 PM Shearwall ext. - Approved Okay to wrap.

 09/06/2024FIRE SPRINKLERSCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSCANCELLEDeTRAKiT Inspection Request9/4/2024 6:00:10 PM 9/4/2024 6:00 PM COREY BOYKIN Contact Name: COREY BOYKIN Site Address: 14192 SHERWOOD CIR Phone: 5309660177 e-Mail: bandb.builders@yahoo.com 9/6/2024 6:44:21 AM Fire sprinklers on a different permit.

 09/06/20244-WAY ROUGH FRAMECHRISTOPHER ROBERTSFAILeTRAKiT Inspection Request9/4/2024 5:58:44 PM 9/4/2024 5:58 PM COREY BOYKIN Contact Name: COREY BOYKIN Site Address: 14192 SHERWOOD CIR Phone: 5309660177 e-Mail: bandb.builders@yahoo.com 9/6/2024 2:31:04 PM 1. Cover all HVAC registers. 2. Provide nail plate for ABS pipe in laundry room. 3. Fill in gap beneath bathtub for plumbing to prevent rodent infestation. 4. Seal off all holes and gaps leading to outside. 5. Studs missing under trusses for hatch walls in 2 locations ( laundry room, front bedroom) as per plans. 6. Fill in all mud sills with mortar or grout to prevent rodent infestation. Complete work and call for re-inspection.

 09/16/20244-WAY ROUGH FRAMEWOODY TOWNSENDPASSeTRAKiT Inspection Request9/11/2024 3:39:15 PM 9/11/2024 3:39 PM COREY BOYKIN Contact Name: COREY BOYKIN Site Address: 14192 SHERWOOD CIR Phone: 5309660177 e-Mail: bandb.builders@yahoo.com

 01/22/2025SHOWER PAN/TUB TESTCHRISTOPHER ROBERTSPASSeTRAKiT Inspection Request1/21/2025 8:13:56 AM 1/21/2025 8:13 AM COREY BOYKIN Contact Name: COREY BOYKIN Site Address: 14192 SHERWOOD CIR Phone: 5309660177 e-Mail: bandb.builders@yahoo.com 1/22/2025 3:25:37 PM Shower pan - Approved